The Team


Venetian Cluster provides a decennial experience matured thanks to more than 90 regional, national and international projects, as well as a developed network of more than 2000 Italian and International partners.

Where we work: USA, Canada, China, Argentina, Australia, Russia, Cyprus, Turkey, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia–Erzegovina, Albania, Germany, UK, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Sweden, Latvia, Tunisia.

Partner Placeholder
Respect for people, environment, knowledge
and different forms of professionalism

Gian Angelo Bellati


Chairman of Longarone Fiere, Councilor of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Munich and delegate for the North East of the EABO (European American Business Organization) in New York. Dr. Bellati has been for years Director of Eurosportello Veneto, Director of the Office of Representation of “Unioncamere del Veneto” in Brussels and Secretary General of “Unioncamere del Veneto”. He has also worked for the European Commission and for the European Parliament in Brussels, for Alenia in Rome and for Credito Italiano in Milan and Venice. He has particular expertise in law, European policies and funding.

Sergio Calò

Cluster Director

Sergio is a specialized restorer with a twenty-year experience in restoration and conservation of works of art, including UNESCO heritage, in Italy and abroad. At the same time he has been carrying out consulting activities for the valorisation of cultural and environmental heritage, as well as teachings about restoration of frescoes and polychromes on canvas and board in numerous and authoritative Institutes and Specialization Schools.

For 9 years Sergio was technical manager of the Metadistretto Veneto dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali (Venetian Cluster of Cultural and Environmental Heritage) where he conceived, wrote and coordinated regional, national and international projects involving public and private partnerships, in the fields of research and innovation for the economic and operative development of artistic and landscape heritage, by carrying out activities in the sectors of valorisation, economic sustainability, restoration, conservation, energy efficiency, cultural tourism, nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, applied ICTs as well as internationalization of Italian enterprises and technologies.

Sergio is nowadays the Cluster Director of the Venetian Cluster, of which he is member.

Maurizio Malè

Cluster Project Manager

Maurizio, after graduation in Forestry and Environmental Sciences, matured a strong experience in environmental resources management and planning (in particular Environmental Impact Assessment) and after that he specialized in planning, management and reporting of international cooperation projects, not only in the environmental field, but also in the cultural, social and productive sectors.

He planned and managed projects in the main EU financing Programmes (INTERREG, CENTRAL EUROPE, LIFE, INTELLIGENT ENERGY EUROPE, HORIZON 2020, SME Instrument, ERASMUS+, IPA Adriatic, etc.). Thanks to the development of those projects he built during the years a wide and varied network of partners and contacts in diverse sectors and countries, besides a particular sensitivity and experience in the management of complex projects and partnerships at international level.

Maurizio is also a journalist and a naturalistic-environmental guide.

Nowadays Maurizio is Cluster Project Manager of the Venetian Cluster, of which he is member.

Valentina Gamba

Project manager

Following her master degree in archaeology at the University of Padua in 2007, Valentina combines her humanistic and cultural background with the projects design field. First, she starts a collaboration with UNESCO in Paris, and later enters the world of international cooperation (she cooperates with the NGO ATS pro Terra Sancta in Jerusalem and then works as Project Officer at the UNESCO office in Amman). Since 2018, she has been working as a freelancer in the field of European projects in Italy, coordinating and writing transnational projects on behalf of several public and private entities, and collaborating in the development of project outputs in the field of cultural heritage management. Since 2019, she has been working with the Venetian Cluster as Project Manager. Her areas of experience range from the protection and valorisation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, the link between culture and development, thus also touching on the issues of cultural tourism, the creative industries and crafts, to the protection of cultural heritage (illicit trafficking of cultural goods and protection of cultural heritage in case of conflict).

Virginia Gerlero

Junior project manager

Virginia first graduates in Philosophy and then attends the second level Master in Management of Cultural Heritage and Activities. After the realisation of a Project Work, Virginia starts to collaborate with Venetian Cluster dealing with support to the identification of calls and the writing of regional, national and European projects. She has also works on feasibility studies for the renovation and economic sustainability of historic buildings.

Alessandro Fracasso


Alessandro is a manager and entrepreneur with experience in Italy and abroad, engaged in the energy, construction and infrastructure sectors. Councilor of Confindustria Vicenza SIT, Alessandro now is Chairman of the Regional Innovative Network dedicated to the cultural heritage, as well as Councilor and Shareholder of Venetian Cluster. He is also Chairman & CEO of Smart Future an Energy Service Company based in Vicenza.

Carlotta Campanini

Junior project manager

Morgana Campagnolo

Junior communication manager

Morgana holds a master’s degree in Economics and Management of Cultural Heritage and the Arts. After graduating, she specialised in digital communication and social media. Thanks to professional courses and experience in the field, she has had the opportunity to work for public and private structures dealing in particular with the online communication of events and cultural sites. She started collaborating with Venetian Cluster in 2019.


Cluster Members

The Members of the Cluster are public and private bodies, professionals, organizations, associations, research institutes.

The Cluster Members altogether constitute the Innovative Network called Venetian Innovation Cluster for Cultural and Environmental Heritage.